Our schools

The government put aside funding for charter schools in Budget 2024. It was estimated this would allow for 15 new schools and 35 converting schools. However, the exact number of schools that can be funded depends on characteristics such as size, type, property arrangements and how quickly they are established.

The government passed legislation to enable the creation of charter schools in August 2024 and the first round of applications for charter schools opened shortly after.

The first seven charter schools opened in February 2025. Two are in Christchurch, four are in Auckland and one is in Northland.  

  • L’École Française Internationale Auckland (Auckland)
  • TIPENE (South Auckland)
  • Mastery Schools New Zealand – Arapaki (Christchurch)
  • Te Rito, Te Kura Taio (Northland)
  • The BUSY School New Zealand (Auckland)
  • North West Creative Arts College (Auckland)
  • Christchurch North College (Christchurch)

Three of these schools focus on disengaged learners who may be neuro diverse, one has an arts approach to learning, another provides an internationally focused curriculum and two will teach in a way that best engages Māori learners.  

Existing charter schools

Each of the seven charter schools established in term one, 2025, bring a different approach to learning.

Te Rito, Te Kura Taiao

Te Rito, Te Kura Taiao is a Year 1 - 8 kura which offers education in te reo Māori. The kura, in Cable Bay, in Northland, uses the local taiao (natural environment) as a key component of its curriculum.  This allows tamariki to learn within their physical environment and to develop a deep connection and understanding of it.

The kura is part of a growing, vibrant te reo speaking community with tamariki, whānau and kura working together to share knowledge and skills. This helps build connection, co-operation and resilience in its community.

North West College

North West College, in Henderson, Auckland is a school for Year 7-13 students with an interest in creative arts. Students study NCEA English, maths, science and technology in the mornings and in the afternoons learning through creative arts, including painting, carving, literature, music, dance and movement, drama, photography and film making. 

The school supports students to become creative, confident and successful leaners. This is achieved through academic excellence alongside its rich arts programme.  Students will discover their passions and develop the skills and confidence to thrive in a diverse and ever-changing world.

Ēcole Francaise Internationale

Ēcole Francaise Internationale, in Remuera, Auckland is a school for Year 1 - 6 students which offers bilingual education in French and English, integrating both the French curriculum and the New Zealand Curriculum. The French programme is taught for 3.5 days a week and teaching is in English for 1.5 days.  All children are welcome, whether or not they are French speakers.

The school has a strong family and community focus.  Learning at Ēcole is based on a programme that enhances students’ self-confidence, self-awareness and social skills - openness, empathy and kindness to others. 

The school is part of the global network of international education providers with 580 French schools across 140 countries. 

The BUSY School NZ

The BUSY School, in central Auckland, is a senior high school for students in Year 11-13.  It focuses on supporting students to complete their education while planning or starting their employment pathway. Its approach focuses on students who may have been disengaged in other schools may regain their confidence, graduate and start their career path.

The school recognises that the world of further education or employment can be hard to navigate, and it will work with students through these transitions. It plans to progress 100 per cent of its graduating students into employment or further training or education.  


TIPENE is a boarding school for Year 9-13 Māori and Pacifica boys and is on the site of the former   St Stephen’s School in Bombay, South Auckland.

TIPENE’s focus is on leading educational change for boys. Its curriculum is designed for boys and to make them successful learners, empowered to give back to others and contribute positively to society, with the wellbeing of all in mind.  The school is grounded in Māori tikanga and te reo Māori and we are committed to iwi and hapu. 

TIPENE operates within a cultural framework that acknowledges the physical, academic, spiritual and social needs of students. 

Christchurch North College

Christchurch North College, which caters for students in Year 7-13 provides  a fresh start for students who may have found other schooling options to be challenging

The college has a dedicated team working to support young people to building resilience, gain practical skills and embrace their potential. It believes emotional wellbeing is key to a student’s engagement and educational achievement. 

The school also collaborate with local organisations and businesses which provide opportunities for our students to have real world experiences. Whanau and families are part of each student’s journey.

Mastery Schools NZ – Arapaki

Mastery Schools NZ, in Christchurch is focused on helping Year 1-8 students who are disengaged or at risk of disengaging from mainstream education. It has specialised programmes to meet the needs of students who have learning challenges such as dyslexia, dyscalculia and dysgraphia, and find it hard to achieve their potential. 

The school works to address underlying issues related to learning difficulties, empowering students through inclusive, evidence-based teaching methods and personalised learning strategies.

One of the key goals of our school is academic success through the mastery learning of literacy and numeracy.  They have small classes which are led by teachers, and students are supported by teacher aides. 

What's next?

The Charter School Agency is currently working with a small number of state schools that expressed interest into converting to become charter schools. We are also negotiating contracts with five more sponsors that were approved by the Authorisation Board.

The next round of applications for new charter schools and expressions of interest for current state schools to convert into charter schools is underway.